Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Crazy Summer Fun in February

Saturday we went on this really long bike ride. On our way home we passed the pool and Darby and I decided we'd really like a dip in the pool (no it's not heated). Mom said that if we just jumped in, no testing the water, we could go. So we road home got our swimsuits and our towels and headed to the pool. I know swimming in February what are we thinking. Well, I kind of forgot how to swim the first time I jumped in, check the video it explains it all. However, after our first dunk we swam for 45 minutes, Mom made us get out because it was getting dark. Boy was she smart, a few more minutes and we would have froze on our way home. When we walked in the door it was about 7:00 PM! It was fun and CRAZY.

The Arizona Rap

My First Grade Program

We Got Our Craft Allergies Taken Away

Man I need to find some better pictures of me! I really just wanted to share with all of you how unfair my mother is! The other day she took away all of our scissors, pens, pencils, markers, papers, glue, you name it she hid it. She called it taking away our privileges, I call it grounding. When I suggested to her that if she could take our privileges away for not taking care of our stuff we should be able to do the same to her. The conversation went like this, "Mom, I think if you don't take care of all the stuff in the kitchen your food allergies (privileges) should be taken away!" After she looked at me totally confused, then laughed, and said I don't think so. I don't get it, why can we get our privileges taken away but not hers.


Do You Think It's Worth It

Okay so I thought I was already to get this tooth pulled (my first tooth). Grandma Kathy offered 5 whole dollars if I would let her pull it. I tried to be sooo brave but dang it, teeth pulling hurts. In the end I think it was all worth it.

Now I have a HUGE HOLE in my head!!!

Goof Who?

Grandpa Papason came to town and we went goofy golfing. We had a blast enjoying the great weather and hanging with our family. We sat in the large ant hole, hole because Dad thought they would be some really cute pictures. So here are our really cute pictures.Add Image

My Battle Wound Three

Okay so I started to put pictures but they were a bit graphic but, that won't keep me from telling you all about it. We were playing dress up one night. Darby and I would change clothes and come show Mom, Dad and Jo. I had got into the little bathroom to change, you know the one Mom has decorated all "African". Well I had just put back on my nightgown, and went to turn off the light when that stupid little elephant decided he didn't like me in his way and he poked my bum bum with his tusk. Can you believe that? He even drew blood. I screamed so Mom and Dad would come and give him the talking to of his life but they got there and just started laughing. Needless to say all of us girls look pretty funny. I can't sit, Jo has sores everywhere, and Darby has stitches!


If Darby Can Show Her Battle Wounds I Can TOO

Okay so Darby thinks she knows pain! She has no idea. You should have seen the crap I got. It was like viral cold sores coated my mouth, then spread to my fingers and even a couple of spots on my head. Thankfully, the doctor gave me some good pain killer, I think Mom would have had my hide if not. Even though it was really contagious no one else got it, whew!


Don't Play Ball in the House

Yea, yea I know Mom has told me a gazillion times to not play ball in the house but when Dad is wanting to play it's really hard to not play. I went for a ball and my feet went one way my chin when the other and I hit it on the tile floor. Mom asked Sister Rassmussen our neighbor to watch the other girls and they (Mom and Dad) took me to an urgent care by our house. I received some good pain killers and 7 stitches. I'm still debating whether or not I want a scar it would be a cool battle wound but I might not like it so much on my wedding day.
